With the aim to provide students with practical and activity-based learning to unleash imagination, the school has collaborated with NASCA - National Academy of Science and Creative Arts, an organization that offers a comprehensive range of pedagogical approaches, which integrate seamlessly with the school curriculum. Traditionally taught as separate subjects, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) helps students understand their interrelationship, by using theory and technology in practical applications in a lab environment. The core purpose of this initiative is to inculcate a problem solving attitude in students, for them to engage in self-learning, which will lead to development of higher order thinking skills.
This programme, called 'Robowizards Education' covers: Robotics – with which children deepen their understanding of how forces affect motion and explore concepts of energy; Coding and Programming – which allows children to create projects; and Physical Sciences, Physics, Mechanics, Mathematics and Electronics. Professionally qualified faculty members (engineers) conduct the sessions with state-of-the-art kits of international standards (eg. LEGO)